Although not much publicity was done to advertise the day, pockets of activities were organized by groups of people working closely with people with disabilities, to help commemorate this day. The National Council for the Disabled (NCFD) for example, organized a mini sporting event where athletes from the Seychelles Special Olympics and clients being supported by the Occupational Therapy Unit met on the greens of the Victoria Music Stadium for friendly matches and competitions.
During the afternoon, a group of people following speech therapy met on the outskirt of the town, at Botanical Garden. Members of the group had the opportunity to explore the flora and learned about the different plants in the garden.
Despite the rain, all participants had a wonderful time. HPC hopes that more allied health professionals observe this day in the coming year. HPC also encourages ALL Allied Health Professionals t0 try their best to consider accessibility and inclusion when providing services to this group of people within our communities and society.