Bring AHPs up to speed, HPC’s current GPS

The Health Professional Council (HPC) is a forward-thinking council, with its focus on one programme, providing regulatory services. Additionally it contributes to enhancing the skills of Allied Health Professionals who practise in the small island nation. Last June 2024, an election was conducted to fill a vacancy on the board, caused by the resignation of a previous member who had departed to pursue her studies overseas.

We are delighted to welcome Mr. Thed Albert as the newly elected member to fill the previously vacant post. This appointment is done pursuant to Schedule 2 of the Health Professionals Act 2006 and will be published in the official gazette.

The present composition of HPC consists of 13 members of which 10 is elected and 3 appointed by the Minister. With this latest development, HPC will continue its mandate until the completion of our current term in January 2025. This means a new election process will begin for all 13 members by the end of the year 2024.

We have achieved significant progress, but there are still other tasks to be completed. As HPC continues to evolve, additional cadres is also expected to be included especially in an upcoming amended schedule, which is expected to be gazette during this last quarter of the year. Cadres to look for include Dialysis Technologist, Diagnostic Radiographer Technician, Health Scientist, Paramedic, Phlebotomist, Phlebotomy Technician and Dental Surgery Technician.

Great news does not end here, after years of persistent effort; we are thrilled to inform that we have finally been successful in amending a section of our legislation, which permitted elected members to only serve two terms. As a result, former members from different boards ago will now have the opportunity, as any other registered AHPs to run for election, be re-elected, and be re-appointed to the board. This represents significant advancement, as it ensures a more stable future for the council in keeping with the approach to ensure sustainability and evolution of the Council.