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[teaserbox type=”2″ img=”2288″ subtitle=”Mrs. Patricia Rene” title=”A message from our Chairperson” link_url=”http://hpctest.seydevplus.com/chairpersons-message/” icon=”none”]

We Have Moved!

Our New Address

Health Professionals Council (Seychelles)
Room B2
Block B
Residence D’Hermitage
Mont Fleuri
Tel: (+248) 4303745 or 2606128
[subtitle3 subtitle_content=”APPLICATION FOR FIRST-TIME REGISTRATION”]
It is your responsibility as an Allied Health Professional to ensure that your registration with the Health Professionals Council Seychelles is current and valid.  It is against Seychelles’ law as an Allied Health Professional without a valid registration ( Health Professionals Act 2006).

Number of registrants as at 16th July 2016

Public Health Officers 63#
Pharmacy Technician 63#
Biomedical Laboratory Technician 55#
Dental Surgery Technician 46#
[callout title=”HEALTHMATTERS Newsletter” button_text=”View All” button_link=”http://hpctest.seydevplus.com/publications/” text=”Download a copy of our latest edition: HPC Newsletter Vol.4 Issue 1 (June 2018)”][iconbox icon_title=”Raising a concern about a professional on our Register. Contact Us now!” icon_link_url=”http://hpctest.seydevplus.com/complaints/” icon_name=”li_mail”]

Vol.4 Issue 1 (June 2018)

Publications & Guiding Documents

The following publications are exclusively provided by the Health Professionals Council (Seychelles).  Please feel free to download.

Do you have any interesting articles, stories or news related to your profession that you would like to share with the rest of the professional community? If yes, kindly send your submissions to registrarhpc@health.gov.sc.
[iconbox type=”15″ icon_title=”Subscribe for Updates” iconbox_content=”Don’t miss out on News, Events and Valuable Resources!” icon_link_text=”Click Here” icon_link_url=”http://hpctest.seydevplus.com/subscribe-for-updates/” icon_size=”32px” icon_name=”none”]